Posts Tagged Wall Street

4 Reasons It’s Good to Be Back/Making My Resolutions Reality

I’m back.  No, not like Macauley Culkin in Home Alone 2.  Or like Arnold in The Terminator 2: Judgement Day.  I’m back for real and I am here to stay.  Its was fun being away, but there’s nothing like an extended break to make you appreciate your ‘fans’ (all 62 of you).

So let’s get right to it shall we?  Here are 4 reasons I am glad to be back and make my resolutions for 2012 come true.  And in continuing the movie theme, I’ll use some of my favorite lines to accentuate my point.

1.  Christmas is over, and business is business…

Michael Douglas was right.  Right on the money.  I love Christmas as much as, if not more, than the next guy.  But once the wrinkled wrapping hits the garbage can — my mind is right back to this.  Work.  I love my work.  Maybe that love will turn into more dollars.  If resolutions do come true…

He earned it.

2.  I’ve got a need… A NEED FOR SPEED!

I guess I’m showing my age here.  I loved Top Gun when I was a kid, and this mantra says to me: No reservations, no stopping, and a jumpsuit.  I want to get more travel related assignment this year and I’m not afraid to say it.  To do that you need two things: an actual column or article assignment, and a plane.  One leads to the other.  So if there are any travel related editors reading this blog, I would love to hear from you.  Jumpsuit not required.

Travel writers hard at work.

3.  Let’s hear it for Rupert Pupkin!

Right now I feel a little bit like Robert DeNiro in The King Of Comedy.  No one knows me.  But you know what… More people should.  Now, I’m not the sort to commit a crime like Rupert Pupkin did.  Nor would I consider patterning my life after a work of fiction like a film.  But Rupert Pupkin had a vision and he made it happen.  He became what he always wanted to be.  A star.  Nice work, Mr. Puffin… I mean Pupkin.

It's all real.

4.  The 7th rule of fight club is: fights will go on as long as they have to.

Pretty self explanatory I would assume.  This is a fight that will go on and on and on until I alone am victorious.  And since I am fighting against myself: to improve, to expedite, to learn, then I will constantly win.  No going limp here.

Always a clean fight.

Bring it on February, and the rest of 2012.  So it took me longer than 4 weeks to get over my Christmas break.  No matter.  I’m back and here to… Here to… Here to remain?  No.  Stay.  Here to stay!

Yeah, that’s it.

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