Posts Tagged Miami Dolphins

4 Reasons the Baltimore Ravens Won’t Win It All

A few years ago I put a bet down in Vegas (which I am NOT wont to do) on the Baltimore Ravens.  I lost.  Well I didn’t exactly lose… I pushed.  On the money side anyway.  But even with that push, I lost.  Time.  Energy.  And occasionally, my sanity.

The bet was on the season over/under for wins.  It was 9.  And Baltimore had a very soft schedule and a team coming off of a deep playoff run.  9 wins seemed like a no brainer (the bet wasn’t big, but I studied it endlessly — which IS my wont).  They should have won 12 games that year.  They finished with 9 wins.

Nevertheless, after all that wasted energy and watching every single Baltimore Ravens game that season and every one since, I now know something about the team that is for certain.  They will never (again) win it all.

And here are my 4 reasons:

1.  Cam Cameron

He’s the worst offensive coordinator in the league.  He runs the most predictable, bland, mildly tempered offense in the history of the game.  And it is NEVER effective.  They only score significant points against the worst teams.  But when it comes right down to it, they stink.  And Cameron smells as if he has emerged from the local dump.  He’s been fired as the head coach of IU, the offensive coordinator in San Diego, the offensive coordinator in Miami, and if Baltimore was smart… They’d follow suit.  What, you don’t like that Cam?  Boo hoo.

Oh no!

Cameron smelling himself.

2.  John Harbaugh

The guy continues to allow Cam Cameron to be the offensive coordinator and mishandle his entire offensive squad.  ‘Nuff said.

3.  Steve Bisciotti

He actually PAYS Cam Cameron to ruin half his club.  What the f#*%, Bisciotti???!!!

4.  He’s from North Carolina

No great football minds come out of North Carolina.  Basketball, you bet.  Football, not a chance.

Sorry, Cam.  Now call a fullback run up the middle on a fourth and four.  It’s bound to work sometime (never).

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