Posts Tagged manners

4 Reasons to Call a Woman’s Father Before She Moves In

Recently, my good friend Ricky asked a woman to move in with him.  She said yes.  Needless to say Ricky was pretty pumped up.  Ricky wanted this.

But before she was going to move in, Ricky told me he wanted to do something I hadn’t heard of in years.  He was going to call the woman’s father and make sure everyone was on solid footing.  To ask permission in a way, but more importantly, to establish good will.

It was then that I knew Ricky was at least, in practice, thinking fairly soundly when making this decision.  And he later espoused to me the reasons why such a call was a great idea.

In the spirit of this blog… There are 4.

1.  It was unexpected

The father was apparently surprised that a man would take such an old fashioned stance in regards to his daughter.  That unexpectedness and some semblance of tradition led to a broader understanding.

2.  Intention was stated

Ricky told me that he wanted to make the father absolutely certain he knew where he was coming from.  He wanted to make him aware of how he felt, what his plans were for the relationship, and offer the full support of his daughter in every way.  It was greatly appreciated.

3.  It opened communication

Ricky has plans to call the father again, before his daughter moves in, just so he undertsands that a call, email, text, whatever… Is always welcome.

4.  Manners

Simply… “It was just the right thing to do.”  I agree with Ricky on this one.  Maybe I am also old fashioned (see number 1) but manners can ease transition.  Plain and simple.

So I’ve asked Ricky to check back with me after his girlfriend moves in.  Maybe he’ll have 4 more reasons to do something or the other in regards to maintaining a girlfriend…

God knows I can use the help.

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