Posts Tagged bandanas

4 Reasons Men Should Never Wear Bandanas in Public

Bandanas.  The word itself is weird.  Say ‘bandanas’ 20 times in a row, and the word DOESN’T lose all meaning.  That’s weird.

Another weird thing about bandanas is the way they’ve emerged back into our collective wardrobes.  I have yet to see a man that can pull one off well (and I can’t think of any women that do either).  Yet, bandanas, in various forms, have revisited our fashion main stage in a big, big way.

There are four reasons this should never (have) happen(ed).

1.   Willie Robertson

A true patriot...

A true patriot…

We’re all familiar at this point what Willie used to look like (see definition of “preppie” in any dictionary that recognizes it as a word, and you’ll see Willie).  Now, he uses his infamous stars and stripes bandana to hawk wooden duck whistles.  Still doesn’t look good.

2.  The Hipster Look

Maaaaaybe would work without the headwear.

Maaaaaybe would work without the headwear.

We can all just stop fighting it, take our lumps and soldier on knowing that the hipster look is here to stay.  Sure you can roll your eyes — but they’ll out-roll you.  But with this hip’star’, take away the bandana and he’s just a lumberjack (although a very slight, clean shaven one) with weird glasses.  But add the bandana, and voila… Instant bad-ness.

3.  The Wrap Around

One in a trillion.

One in a trillion.

Okay, so it works on Tupac.  But he’s the ONLY one it worked on.  Don’t try it.  Just… Don’t try it.

4.  Biebs

Oh lord no.

Oh lord no.

Need I say more?  Need I say one syllable more?


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