Archive for category Albums

4 Reasons to Love Barry Manilow

Mike D. is a brave one.  He stuck his neck out there and professed his allegiance to Barry Manilow.  The gauntlet was thrown down and he challenged me to come up with 4 reasons to like, or dislike on of the most polarizing figures in the history of human kind… The Manilow.

Well, Mike, I’ll do you one better.  I don’t just like Barry Manilow.  I love Barry Manilow.  And I could come up with 24 reasons if you wanted me to.  But, that’s not the title of my blog… So I’ll give you 4.

1.  ‘Ready to Take a Chance Again’ / Foul Play

Remember when Goldie Hawn was so cute that she actually transcended into hot?  Well, the moment I realized that perky, blonde and high pitched was beyond sexy was totally embodied by Goldie in the final scene in the movie Foul Play.  And that moment was cemented in boyhood love and lore once ‘Ready to Take a Chance Again’ by the Manilow kicked in.  Winner.

2.  The Women

Like Mike mentioned, go to any Barry Manilow concert and you will likely go to bed that night with, at the very least an extremely sore neck, or better yet… A woman entranced by Manilow Music (and potentially a sore something else).  These women are swooning before they even step foot on the premises, so be ready.  The opportunities are more golden than the wig Barry wears on his brilliant head.

3.  The Memories

Like any music popularized in the 70’s or early 80’s it’s bound to take you back to fond memories.  Sure, you might recall a breakup or two.  But it’s far more likely that such classics like: the first time you held a girl’s hand, your first kiss, or even — mutual touching — was in some way inspired or scored by Barry himself.  And if you don’t remember it being that way… Play any track from side 2 of ‘This One’s For You’.  You’ll see what I mean upon hearing that magic again.

4.  His Closet

Like Bender (Judd Nelson) says in The Breakfast Club, “Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?”  Well Judd… If I could I would.  It’s that simple.  NOTE:  Paul Gleason (the alleged ‘raider’ of Manilow’s wardrobe in that film) is one of the top five actors of all time.

There you go, Mike… Looks Like We Made It.

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