4 Guys You Should Never Date — Commissioned Article

Ok.  Maybe this post looks deceiving.  No, I do not date guys.  But I’ve been asked by a friend to write a column/article about the 4 types of guys you should never date.  And since I fall into one of those categories, I agreed to do it.

Am I speculating?  Sure.  Is my opinion fallible?  100%.  But my sister, aunt, and a few of my female friends have dated guys like the following and each have avowed to me personally, passionately… Never again.

So here goes.  The 4 guys you should never date.

1.  The Gambler

This is the guy, and I am not talking about just the casino here, that is always in search of action.  He’s willing to risk most everything because the rush (or as Tom Sizemore says in Heat, “I’m in.  For me… The action IS the juice…”) is what he’s after.  The opening of the relationship will be loaded with spontaneous fun.  But after a while — the thrill is gone — and he will be too.

2.  The Pushover (that’s me)

This is the guy that always seems to say the right thing, do the right thing, and be the right guy.  He’s happy, courteous, and willing to do anything that you like (whether you’re in or out of the room, or relationship).  He’s the guy that you will start to resent after about 3 dates.  I know, that’s usually my limit.

3.  The Actor

I recently spent some time in Los Angeles, where it seems every semi-intelligent creature: man, woman, dog and cat, are trying to be professional performers.  The actor is a tough one.  While he will (hopefully) be creative and imaginative, he will most likely be broke.  And this career choice seems to come with a large helping of rejection — which absolutely saps the ego (or inflates it exponentially).  So what you end up with is a broke, self-doubting (or overcompensating) “artist” who always wants to run lines.  As they say in the industry… It’s gonna be a pass.

4.  The Next Door Neighbor

When I lived in Roanoke I absolutely fell in love with my next door neighbor Amanda.  She was a hairdresser (cut my hair for free!).  She had a great sense of humor.  And she liked me.  Until we couldn’t get away from one another.  Even when we wanted our alone time, we would see each other in the halls, the laundry room, the elevator, the roof… Yes, the roof).  We were either going to move in together, or never speak again.  It was the latter.

In my next installment, I’ll write about the 4 women you should never date.  This I know much more about… I think.

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  1. #1 by Brian Bowen (@madartist23) on October 4, 2011 - 8:08 pm

    I wanted to comment on the Ohio reference in the previous blog but I think I will leave that virtual can of worms closed for now or perhaps we can take that conversation off-line. So I would rather you to recommend your 4 favorite APPS you use on your phone or iPad if you have any.

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