4 REasons to RidE Your BikE

Gonna lay up an easy, short one today.  If you have a bike, try riding it once in a while instead of driving.  Here are 4 rEasons why (I capitalized the E in reasons as I was trying to be cute.  You’ll see why).

1.  Emissions

Automobile emissions compound.  It’s not simple math.  Each car driven has an impact far greater than the sum of it’s emissions.  It would be like cutting  lemon in half and getting 4 pieces.  So whenever you ride a bike, you lower the compounding rate.  It’s like taking two cars off the road instead of one.

2.  Exercise

This one is obvious, and we could all use a little more of it — at least I can.

3.  Education

There’s no better way to teach the younger members of society than by doing.  Not just talking about it.  By riding a bike, they see that we are actively participating in their future.  It works.

4.  Enterprise

Think of all the money you will save by not having to put gas in your car once a week.  An average fill-up nowadays costs around 70 dollars.  If you remove one fill-up per month that’s $840 to you.  You can get very enterprising with $840.

NicE.  Easy.  To the point.  RidE your bikE!  YEs… ThE E’s have it.

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