4 Reasons I Think Every Neighborhood Needs a “Fruit Guy”

I recently moved into a new apartment.  Getting settled in is a bit of a challenge, but the new-ness of everything leaves me exhilarated and hopeful.

Now, I have lived in my fair share of apartments.  Some plain embarrassing and some pretty nice.  Through and through there’s one amenity that I cannot seem to do without, and hence I look for when moving into a new neighborhood.

And that is… Does the area have a fruit guy?

The fruit guy frequently comes in the form of a big, white catering truck.  These are the best kinds — due to the convenience and variety.  But sometimes that fruit guy is someone who sits on a nearby corner.  Either way… The neighborhood has to have a fruit guy.  Here are 4 reasons why…

1.  The fruit is cheaper

Almost everything you buy from the fruit guy comes from the same holding station that all “grocery store fruit” comes from.  So you’re getting the same stuff.  And the fruit guy frequently is half the price.  Score!

2.  The fruit is closer

The fruit guy in my new neighborhood literally pull up into my driveway and honks the bombastic carnival horn.  I don’t have to walk 20 feet before I am getting my bi-weekly staples.  Double score!

3.  The fruit truck’s a scene

You can meet your neighbors at the fruit truck.  You can meet strangers at the fruit truck.  You can meet tons of people at the fruit truck.  I saw a guy get a date last week next to the fruit truck.  What a great way to bond with your neighbors and fellow fruit lovers.  Triple score!

4.  The fruit guy

When was the last time you met a mean, disgruntled, unhappy fruit guy.  You don’t.  Ever.  It’s a fruit guy rule.  They have to be cheerful, courteous, and ready to sell fruit.  The fruit guy always rocks it.  Quadruple score!

If you don’t have a fruit guy in your neighborhood, I highly suggest you move.  A fruit guy just makes living in a certain area worthwhile.  And if there’s no fruit guy, call the Fruit Guy Association and request to have one stop, or sit, near you.

The fruit guy… He makes life worth living.



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